Professor Deborah Prentice, Vice-Chancellor’s inaugural speech

VC’s Address 1

Professor Deborah Prentice was formally admitted to the office of Vice-Chancellor yesterday afternoon.

Having been admitted, the Vice-Chancellor delivered her inaugural address to the University at the Senate House in Cambridge.

Read the full transcript of the Vice-Chancellor’s speech

Professor Deborah Prentice is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. An eminent psychologist, her academic expertise is in the study of social norms that govern human behaviour – particularly the impact and development of unwritten rules and conventions, and how people respond to breaches of those rules. She has edited three academic volumes and published more than 50 articles and chapters, and she has specialised in the study of domestic violence, alcohol abuse and gender stereotypes. As Vice-Chancellor, Professor Prentice provides academic and administrative leadership to the whole University community, and represents the University externally, within the UK and internationally.

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